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Lying on the floor scrolling through social media; wrapped up in bed taking your second nap of the day; lounging on the sofa watching TV. You are not lazy, you are on energy saving mode.
In a world obsessed with work and productivity, I'm Not Lazy, I'm on Energy Saving Mode highlights how resting and 'being lazy' shouldn't be seen as a weakness or a character flaw, but as an important process of recharging.
After years of battling with depression and lethargy, author and illustrator Dancing Snail realised the importance of being compassionate to ourselves and taking care of our minds when we feel low. On days you don't feel motivated, are going through a slump, or simply feel like doing nothing, this book provides you with reassuring words on loneliness, adulting, overthinking and more. Written in short-form chapters with charming illustrations, I'm Not Lazy, I'm on Energy Saving Mode gives you radical permission to take the break you don't feel you deserve.
In a world obsessed with work and productivity, I'm Not Lazy, I'm on Energy Saving Mode highlights how resting and 'being lazy' shouldn't be seen as a weakness or a character flaw, but as an important process of recharging.
After years of battling with depression and lethargy, author and illustrator Dancing Snail realised the importance of being compassionate to ourselves and taking care of our minds when we feel low. On days you don't feel motivated, are going through a slump, or simply feel like doing nothing, this book provides you with reassuring words on loneliness, adulting, overthinking and more. Written in short-form chapters with charming illustrations, I'm Not Lazy, I'm on Energy Saving Mode gives you radical permission to take the break you don't feel you deserve.
Szczegóły produktu
Snail Dancing
Rok wydania:
Literatura obcojęzyczna